The Deep Meaning of ALOHA

Aloha is a very special word to me. Known as the Hawaiian salutation, this word has a profound meaning that goes beyond the greeting.

The word Aloha, means literally: “the presence of breath” or “the breath of life”. (Alo: presence, Ha: breath).

The profound meaning of Aloha is a way of life based on treating others with love and respect.
In its deeper meaning, it starts with loving oneself first and then spreading love to others.
Aloha is giving and receiving positive energy.
Aloha is living in harmony.

Interacting with others with Aloha means using the following:

  • Akahai: kindness, expressed in tenderness
  • Lokahi: unity, expressed with harmony
  • Oluolu: pleasant, expressed with pleasantness
  • Haahaa: humility, expressed with modesty
  • Ahonui: patience, expressed with perseverance

It is about loving and respecting others unconditionally without expecting anything in return.

It is very curious that the State of Hawaii is called the “State of Aloha” because here, everybody is treated with Aloha, everywhere. I was so lucky I could experience the Aloha vibe in my trip to O’ahu.

Thank you for reading,


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October 24, 2024

Simona Zucca

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